Friday, April 3, 2015

Adoption Ministry Outreach!

Folks in our local area of Raleigh, NC that are considering adoption, in process of adoption or have adopted or struggling with their adopted child please see come visit us.

Hope Connection International is starting a new adoption ministry!

Location: 1201 Buck Jones Rd, Raleigh, NC 27606

Weekly class starts Thursday, May 14th, at 7:00 p.m.

Led by Nicole Dewberry of "And This One Matters" Facebook Group & Blog.

See details and calendar below.

With the amazing blessing of many families choosing to open their heart, lives, and homes to adopt a child(ren) Internationally or within the United States there is also a need for adoptive families to connect with others and have support through their adoption journey.
Classes Nicole will be working with families on:
Preparing Pre-Adoptive Families
Adoptive Family Connect Group
Adoptive Family Crisis Support Group

There has been a large increase in adoption disruptions and it is devastating to the child(ren) and family. I will be working with Hope Connection International in Raleigh, North Carolina to offer the following support to families:

--Preparing pre-adoptive families by educating and offering assistance for the adoption road ahead.
--Offering support to existing adoptive families and making connections with other adoptive families.
--Working with families in crises with the hope to prevent disruption.

Adopt A Ukrainian Soldier......

This is who our family has adopted/sponsored that has lost his legs and one arm fighting for his home country, Ukraine. 

There are so many more men daily coming in with injuries that are so severe and they do not have the medical finances in which to support the care they need. Please consider adopting a solider in need of care in Ukraine in order to help them get the medical care, medication, prosthetics, therapy, etc. they need. 

Below is photos of Vadym and the letters our children wrote to him and our family photo and of when I went to the hospital myself and walked those isles seeing these amazing men of honor. Oh what a blessing to be able to see them, hug them, hold their hands and tell them they are valued, cared for and prayed over. 

Please take time to listen to Gene Berezovski's video below:

Please visit their FB page:

To learn more about the soldiers that are in need of care or to donate please visit: