After my last post again I felt the out pour of prayers coming to help me in my time of discouragement. And I am so appreciative for all the laughs and words of encouragement from you all. Why do I head this post "Have we lost our minds"? People that know me know I like to refer to myself as having issues. LOL! God keeps showing me over and over again although funds are still sort and another obstacle has been thrown our way but just not our way but folks adopting from Ukraine in itself that He our almighty Savior has this....This is His battle. What am I talking about.....I am talking about this....
Fathering the fatherless.....seeking the orphans in their distress. Showing them Gods love and not giving up on them as others have. Giving them hope for their future and a memory if that is all you can offer that will carry them a lifetime. The last two nights I was back at RDU airport watching and taking witness to seeing the kids come in from New Horizons For Children come and greet the families that will be loving on them for 6 weeks this summer then send them back to what they know as life. No mom to fix their boo boo's, no dad to teach them how to fish or catch a ball, no bedtime stories, no parents to teach them how to swim but having to learn these skills from other nannies, caretakers or watching the older kids. This young man above was my very first NHFC interview, Vlad. He was the boy that chased us out of the orphanage driveway in the pouring down rain waving grining ear to ear. He has returned to his host family with open arms running down the hallway right into his host mothers arms. Very emotional moment and folks this is what it is all about. Taking a leap and a risk to love ones that may not love you back. Taking a risk seek an orphan that may reject you, seeking to adopt an orphan that may reject you, seeking an orphan that may love you with his or her arms wide open, seeking an orphan that wants a family but is legally tied up in the political system as we know it that can be SO many reason. No matter how you flip this coin THEY ARE ALL WORTH IT no matter the outcome. God never gave up on us and we continue to sin daily. Until we can wear white we have no room to judge or to give up. If God gave up on us we could not have eternal life as a Christian. So why am I writing all this.......
Another obstacle recently in the weeks past has surfaced that can change so many adoptions in Ukraine period. I have been in prayer for the many families traveling and soon will be traveling like us. Children being adopted out of Ukraine now will have to be TB tested, chest x-rayed and HIV tested before entering the US. You can say piece of cake just get it done and come home. It may not be that easy. I say this because most of the children in Ukraine when vaccinated against diseases in order to build their immune tolerance have been exposed or had TB in their vaccinations. It is very NOT uncommon to take a skin TB and show false positive. My son Kolya has had that. But all blood and xrays came back fine. Again it is not uncommon and I know many others that had the same issue. Blood tests are known to be the most effective test for TB but many hospitals do not do them. These labs and xrays will be done in Ukraine with your exiting exam prior to your Embassy appt. Should anything show up on any of the tests or xrays everything comes to a halt. We also know first hand with our two little ones that HIV tests are not always accurate and can give false positives as well. So this is a mess all in all that can leave families literally stuck in limbo in Ukraine not being able to bring their child home until the child shows clear or has been treated. Please pray because we know of a family (dont know who) but there is a family that is literally stuck because all the tests are coming back inconclusive and they family it STUCK getting their child home.
So this leads me to my next paragraph we are heading back July 29th to bring home 3 aging out teens. We have no idea of their medical history probably nor do they. So this is my plea and prayer to God is that not only just our boys but all families in transit with the adoptions ahead that the children come up clear on all tests. No room for inaccuracy. They kids all just show up clean and clear to move and begin their life with their families. We may have lost our minds heading back for 3 aging out teens and gamble they fall in love, change their mind, get talked out of it.....I mean their freedom is knocking at the door so to speak in their minds. Scott and I talked heavily about this....but Joe and I know these are all risks.... we have taken them before and we lost Sergiy he could not handle the pressure. But God never said His path would be easy. He never said you would not trip or fall He actually guaranteed it. So going back there we know we have to take a leap of faith, trust and obey and go as God leads. Although Sergiy said "no" to us twice in Ukraine that was the trip I met a boy named Max and he inspired me to not quit or give up on these children and to fight and seek out the ones that want family like our Sebastian and Scott. So we have that obstacle of them being teenagers with freedom knocking but now we have the obstacle of getting through all the lab tests and xrays to get the boys home. It is clear Satan will not rest when it comes to Gods precious orphans. Some may say too hard just quit....your nuts to gamble it.......but we were worth the gamble for Jesus to come and die for us... the least we can do is not give up on His children, to put our battle boots on to take on the enemy With God in front of us, behind us and to the sides of us. This is Gods battle but we will be at war for these children. This battle is not against the people directly in front of us telling us we need these labs and tests but the enemy himself. But Joe and I are praying up for our Armor of Gods battle gear to take on this fight to bring these boys home praying the Lord will preveal and the boys will stay strong and their test results will be clear. We are charging straight ahead and not swaying to the left or right. We are preparing the fields as God told us to for these boys no matter the outcome. I even let go of my beloved PAID FOR :( truck and took on the big "NEVER" for me a minivan and inherited a car payment. I am coping and need therapy but I will recover....eventually. LOL!

But the boys are all so worth it! Gods children are all so worth it!
But the boys are all so worth it! Gods children are all so worth it!
32 Days And $9083.61 To Raise!
I knew there was a reason my heart was not at peace with Hosting Vlad. Now by seeing the picture up above it makes my heart jump up and down.. Love this.. God is Good.
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ReplyDeleteThanks for a wonderful, necessary and faith-filled post! Praying for your boys...