With my next mission trip coming up in October of 2016 to serve in Ukraine, Israel and Egypt, the fundraising has begun! I have some amazing items up for auction handmade directly from Ukraine and abroad. More items coming in so it can potentially change weekly. Please come take a peak at the items I have up for auction to help raise needed funds for his mission trip. I am in need to raise a total of $3375.00.
This is an auction where you make an offer price at the listed "Minimum Bid Amount" listed or to close the deal right then a "Buy It Now" price.
If you have any interest in joining our mission team in October 2016 to Ukraine, Israel and Egypt please inquire and I can get you in touch with our team lead.
Thank you and God Bless!
If you would like to make a tax deductible donation towards my mission trip you can go to my you caring account at: https://www.youcaring.com/joe-dewberry-550722
or you can send a donation through paypal at my email
diveshark@yahoo.com. Any support in prayer or donations is greatly
Please click on the link below to go directly into the auction!
Please click on the link below to go directly into the auction!
Here are SOME of the items in the auction!
Let God bless you! This is a difficult time for Ukraine. We are helping children in its orphanages. Visit our website to learn more info https://hopenowusa.org/, please.