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This is our li'l peanut when she was younger.... |
God has made it abundantly clear to us that he is calling us to adopt Taylor even when it looks to us impossible to meet the financial needs of this mission in such a short amount of time. Why a short amount of time? Our dossier is in country already submitted to the SDA from our disrupted adoption of Sergiy. So with minor updates to mend which are already in process we could be flying in a month or two to go get her.
There are so many reason why God has made this clear that you cannot help but to see his hands on this little girl and on us. Again Joe and I had prepared to adopt on the US side and are almost done completing our US homestudy. We actually are done and just awaiting the FBI results that take several weeks to come back. In this time of waiting we had been looking for a "future" daughter and there was no matches.....until we found Taylor. We had no intention to go back to Ukraine because of finances and of course the hurt of losing Sergiy. So finances were just never a concern. We had used all our financial resources to bring both the boys home. Although we did not return with Sergiy we did have almost all the expenses of a complete adoption. So we are tapped out.
So here is everything to show us clearly God is and was in control from the second we found Taylor.......
Thurday April 26th - My sister Denise lures me onto the internet to look up kids I know and to try to locate Andriy the boy she is adopting but hood-winked me into getting onto Reece's Rainbow in search of more "kids I might know" from NHFC interview trips. I go under the HIV link on Reece's Rainbow and there she was. Almost instantly I felt this is "her", this is your little girl you said you would NEVER have. I say this because I said I would "never" have a daughter. You know how God laughs at that word "Never".
Friday April 27th - Joe and I talk about Taylor and we are both almost in a trance knowing this is something. He said to look further into finding more information about her. Meanwhile I email Andrea with Reece's Rainbow and request the "Other" photos. Denise and I jump in the car and head to "Together For Adoption" to represent New Horizons For Children to find more host families and get the word out about the program. We get to the event and have dinner with all the representatives of other organizations to wind up meeting volunteers like us that work for Project Hopeful. In all the years I have been to adoption events I have never seen an organization representing adoption/advocating of HIV kids, resources to families and support. I sit down next to a gal at dinner turns out she has an HIV son. Right then all the photos of Taylor start rolling in on my cell phone of her. I am laughing, crying and melting all at the same time. This gal and I started talking and she looked at me when I said we just found an girl with HIV and I am basically dumbfounded and she said "Your going to go adopt her". Never met the lady before in my life. She said "Your gonna go get your girl". Then she said we needed to pray first and foremost about the healing of HIV in Taylor. This was crazy because that was exactly what we were praying for Taylor. Then she went on to tell me about how she has an HIV son but after his return home after she thought she was actually going to loose him on the plane ride home he was cured of HIV. He is on no medication and it is un-detectable. Then she grabbed my hand and said "Can I pray for You"? She had me grab my sisters hand and she prayed for us and Taylor. Then she introduced me to two other incredible gals that also have HIV children and again volunteer for Project Hopeful. It was truly an amazing weekend to meet these ladies and see the HIV resources and support (FIG Program) we have along with the awesome medical for HIV at Duke but most of all the friendships made. Going to coffee with her and my sis next week!
Saturday April 28th Until Now- From Saturday on...major blur....LOL! We have had a couple organizations come along side us offering to help us fundraise which we NEVER had with either boys adoption in to help us try to raise funds for her adoption. So I am taking all this in...Joe and I still on that ledge not jumping and taking that plunge yet praying everyday for Gods guidance and will not ours. Kolya of course chomping at the bit because he is ready to jump and bring her home. He has been a huge prayer warrior for her. Joe, Kolya and I prayed and asked as we had everyday since we found her for God to make it abundantly clear we are to take this step to adopt her. And everyday he answered with some amazing "Something". Meanwhile we decided to become her prayer warrior on Reece's Rainbow and her Guardian Angel in order to find her a forever family even if it was not us and start cycling and running to help her future family with the adoption costs. Again we wanted God's to be done. So I am guessing with all my million questions I had been asking poor Andrea with Reece's Rainbow and inquiring how to work the adoption out because we have basically everything done she assumed we were jumping to adopt Taylor. So we get done praying and I go to check on the website to see the listing for Taylor and I noticed her photolisting was not where it was before. I had a little happy panic but also nervous at the same time. Did someone adopt her? Oh my how could I be sad although I hoped it would have been us..... this is so awesome for her. So then I just stuck in her website link to see if I could find her that way and she showed up under "My Family Found Me"? Now I am on the phone with my sister and telling her, someone grabbed her! She's being adopted by someone. This is sad yet so cool all at the same time. Right then I saw the donation amount she had of $90.00 go to $120.00. Again I was so excited. Then I get an email from Nancy (all this is going down while I was on the phone with my sister while we were trying to still figure it out) who does the Reece's Rainbow facilitation on the US side telling me all the things I need to get to her for Taylor's adoption. Us, We, Taylor.....What??? Right then Joe and Kolya walk in the office and I have the email open and the phone stuck to my head and said "congratulations it's a girl, were adopting Taylor". So how do you like them beans..... We asked for clarity and God gave it to us! We were moved to adopting her when we never said we were officially. How cool is that! So since then Joe and I have been still standing on the ledge just watching everyday almost every hour God do something amazing to show us....LOOK WHAT I CAN DO and your suppose to adopt her and trust me. Shortly after she was moved to us adopting her with Joe and I still dumbfounded and excited all at the same time my sister emails and says there is a lady at Taylors orphanage adopting right now and said whoever is adopting her if they would like to talk about her to reach out to them. Denise sent me over her contact information because I could not yet get into that Reece's Rainbow FB page. I emailed her....are you ready? I KNOW HER! Turns out she helped with the Redline Hosting kids here in Raleigh shortly after Kolya and I returned from Ukraine and we worked with the kiddos for 2 weeks. She and I had met on the zoo outing. So she is adopting in the orphanage that Taylor is at and she only lives a little over an hour away from us here in NC and we know each other. Can't call this a coincidence. No such thing......So daily God is showing us we can jump and although we may be squinting and squealing on the way down it WILL BE AN AWESOME JOURNEY and he will catch our fall.
Yes we have $26K to raise in a month to two months to go get our girl but I still remember hearing God say to me when we found the property for the orphan outreach in Ukraine "Nicole you cannot put me in a box, don't limit me to a box". And by golly I couldn't and the ministry is funded we are just ironing out the paperwork. Working for NHFC I have seen miracle after miracle and my whole life I have seen God lead me from one thing to another and with that I am also reminded if he will lead you to it, he will lead you through it. And indeed he will. We are jumping!
If you would like to help us jump by being in prayer for our precious girl and us or by helping us by donating a tax deductible donation to any of the following non profits helping us bring Taylor home below. We would be so forever grateful for any support you feel lead to do.
To Donate A Tax Deductible Donation Through Reece's Rainbow:
you can mail a check made payable to Reece’s Rainbow and mailed to PO Box 4024 Gaithersburg, MD 20885. Please make sure to indicate the donation is for "Taylor" for the Dewberrys adoption.
To Donate A Tax Deductible Donation Through Project Hopeful:
YAYYYYYYY YAYYYY so excited...let's get running (in my case walking)..
ReplyDeleteSo very excited for the journey you are on to get Taylor. I have been praying for this little girl for sometime now. Her picture is up in my bedroom. So thrilled to know that God is bringing you together!!! Blessings and continued prayers! Deb
ReplyDeleteWhat a beautiful story of how God led you to your daughter. Thanks for sharing!
ReplyDeleteNicole when I heard that you had met Deanna I had a funny feeling that God was hatching a new plan. Now it all makes sense. What a great time in your life. I will pray for you and will spread the word about your fundraising to bring Taylor home. You and I may end up being in UA around the same time...I am hoping to go in June / July. So excited for you all!